Tuesday, May 20, 2008


thursday, May 15, 2008... aT last, i spoke up! I told everything and what my soul wanna say. Everything including the heartaches and how i felt like being betrayed and fooled. I need explanations and i only got unconvincing one. I found it 'O.A.', i mean the conversation and how i opened up as i have never done such. I was the quite one as i have said but that was the day that i learned to speak up.
I felt relieved after despite the fact that i was shaking while having the talk. Ashamed? Definitely i was but i didn't bother since it was the very thing i wanna do for the last time while in the office. I don't want to end with such hard feelings that will surely keep me haunting. At least now we have the closure. I don't care about the friendship anymore as it was not given value.
friday, May 16, 2008... But there's one more thing to do to keep me at peace. I already opened to have the situation opened to our boss and so i did. I sent a text message telling what happened and possible thing to happen. I explained everything and how i myself was fooled, no knowledge at all about the crime=like event.
Afraid? I was so for her. I don;t know what will happen on their confrontation and certainly investigation. Trust can never be found in them as betrayal was done. All i wish and pray is the problem be solved and both have peace and gain that trust to each other.

1 comment:

untamed_heart_mela said...

I still can't believe she did that to you...I've seen you as friends! I never though your friendship will fall into betrayal...It saddens me to know it happened...If she could only realize that she lost one of the greatest bonds in life...FRIENDSHIP...I am still hoping you can settle things with her; maybe, it is just a way of testing your friendship...I trust your discretion part'z...

see you in xanga,hehe...and probaby here in blogger...haha