Sunday, August 10, 2008

Yesterday It Was....

Yesterday was a day to reflect. It was my comeback after a long month of absence. It was the day I fulfilled my own promise, a promise to someone great and powerful. A promise considered to be a great sin if being failed considering the person intended to. And one thing, he's not an ordinary person, HE is ALMIGHTY!

No more question to ask. Yesterday is Sunday and it's the Sabbath day for every Christian who believes it is including me. It's been months when I prevent, or we can use avoid, myself in attending Holy Sunday Mass. I remember the last time I attended one was the special Mass for New Year (so devil I was!).

The reasons behind? One is my Job Schedule. My previous job schedule was 6 days a week, 8 to 5. My girl office mate requested to have Sunday her day off which I considered. I can actually make it since First Mass Schedule is 6 to 7:30 am but I kept on being tempted to have my eyes closed and woke at 7. Then that was the time I started keeping a promise.

Next is the dress code. I always put myself into shame in terms of dress style. I always quote my clothing in going to church though for Christ's sake it's a no requirement inside as long as it's formal and moral. But yes I realized it ever since I learned to be with God. Though I have nice looking one, one problem is the people behind you who are that quick in noticing you and talk behind your back. Though not really all to me, I hate people around who smile to each other and later, would whisper behind against each other. And this is another reason why I declined myself to be inside.

Experience wise and I know you can relate, it always makes me wonder, what are they here for? Is it just to comply one of the Ten Commandments? Yeah, they are fulfilling the command but for Christ's sake, they do still commit sin right after or even while the ceremony is going as they can't keep their evil eyes stare to others with their minds working for criticisms. It's always an issue how rich ones mingle only to their level of richness and the poor ones are for sorry. Or they would give such attention but just for awhile and just for public-figure sake. All of them are craps and that's what I'm avoiding inside, that I could be with them or one of them.

It's not really my problem anymore actually but I just can't help myself everytime I hear them. And though I failed to attend Sunday Masses, I make sure to attend Weekdays' afternoon mass specially Wednesday. But Sunday is still different considering it being Special.
Now the sermon yesterday taken from the Book of Matthew was a real thing to reflect to. It's about how God walked upon the sea and Peter, one of his apostles, tried it for himself and got drowned when his faith was shaken. Then he called for God's help. It touches me inside the fact that I too only call or remember Him for help which is a no,no. I always cherish this message in my phone saying: " Pray not because you are asking for something but pray for thanking God for every good thing He has done."

Another good thing to thank for is I had just paid off my debt which means I'm worry free now in making my budget.

Big Thanks!

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